FedEx SmartPost
With FedEx Smartpost, FedEx provides postal services via the USPS®. With FedEx operational efficiencies, they are able to obtain better postal rates for customers, while providing transit times that are comparable to First-Class Mail®.
NRGship features SmartPost domestic shipping only.
Setup in NRGship
First, you must have a contract with FedEx enabling SmartPost shipping on your account. Once you have that, simply fill out the following credentials in the preferences of NRGship.
- Hub ID - Will be provided by your FedEx account executive
- Indicia - Typically defined by FedEx based on the types of packages you will send
- Ancillary Endorsement - Specific instructions for the USPS on how to handle your mail if it is undeliverable as addressed
Once these are set click the enable button.
Now you will be able to perform all of the SmartPost service that you are contracted for (except international shipping). For Example, you may be not be contracted for SmartPost Returns, so therefore you could not perform a SmartPost return shipment.
For more information about SmartPost, click here.