Release Notes
FedEx for FileMaker - Release Notes
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 222
Released on 2/19/2025
- International field UI enhancements
- Misc updateds
- Updated MBS install to 14.5
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 220
Released on 5/21/2024
- Adjusted external ship to force silent
- Fixed dev user to allow managing external users
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 219
Released on 5/3/2024
- Fixes for auto-complete
- Removed OP950 and COD from ground close reports
- Updated MBS install to 14.1
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 216
Released on 10/20/2023
- Added preference for auto-complete
- Added external script to rotate ship images
- Fixed issue with dupe shipment
- Updated MBS install to 13.4
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 213
Released on 8/17/2023
- Added auto-complete for address entry
- Changes to network test
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 212
Released on 8/5/2023
- Adds support for non-Zebra thermal printers (Rollo, Dymo, etc.)
- Added default return option
- Fixes for Shopify and WooCommerce imports
- Fixes for HazMat
- Misc updates
- Updated MBS install to 13.2
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 210
Released on 5/22/2023
- Adds support for Freight direct Third Party
- Added Server script to delete junk records
- Optimized archive function
- Fix for Ground Economy/Ground Home Delivery
- Fix for return shipments
- Fix for track parsing with Ground Economy
- Fix for upgrade function
- Fix for PDF label length with doctab on top
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 209
Released on 5/17/2023
- Updates to Hub ID for Ground Economy
- Fix for tooltips for rate breakout
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 208
Released on 4/20/2023
- Added support for FedEx International Connect Plus rates
- Removed Same Day City options
- Fix for ship date with mbox import
- Fix for some UI window size issues
- Updated MBS install to 13.1. Removed install for Troi File, Serial, Activator, Dialog.
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 207
Released on 1/16/2023
- Added multi-box XLS import
- Fixed issue with ship to VI/PR if country was set to US
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 206
Released on 1/2/2023
- Added batch validate function
- Added package snapshot from iOS
- Optimization of data cleanup
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 205
Released on 12/12/2022
- Optimization of ebay downloads
- Fixed issue with package portal not selecting proper package
- Updated MBS install to 12.5
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 204
Released on 10/16/2022
- Updated MBS install to 12.4
- Updated DynaPDF libraries to current
- Added support for Seagul Scientific Driver (Windows) to PrintNode list
- Fixed issue with Endicia Bridge Mode
- Misc bug fixes
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 203
Released on 6/7/2022
- Updated MBS to 12.2 (for M1 Silicon), Troi Activator to 8.0.1 (legacy)
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 202
Released on 5/13/2022
- Fix for tracking popup account issue
- Fix for no freight rates with API v19/21
- Fix for rating error for Ground Economy with no hub id
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 201
Released on 5/8/2022
- Updated API release to 2021
- Updated Track to use new global URL
- Fixed issue with Home Delivery Date Certain
- Fixed issue with XLS import
- Updated thermal print routines
- Fixed issue with Duties and Tax to recipient
- Fixed issue with Duplicate Shipment
- Updated Troi Activator to 7.0, MBS to 11.4, Troi Dialog to 10.1.1, Troi File to 13.1 and Troi URL to 8.0 for v19 and M1 compatability
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 197
Released on 8/26/2021
- Fixed issue with email call tag and label expire date
- Updated MBS to 11.3 for Silicon (19.3)
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 196
Released on 8/23/2021
- Added support for email call tags
- Added ebay integration
- Added support for auto-plugin update off NRG cloud
- Fixes for SmartPost rates
- Fixes for advanced printing on windows
- Updated MBS to 11.2 for Silicon (19.3)
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 192
Released on 3/22/2021
- Added support for FedEx Call Tags
- Added new external script to create pickup for ship_id
- Now shows shipper's rates for third party shipments
- Daily ship report now breaks out packages by service level
- Fixed dim weight calc, logo on label
- Enhancements to Pickup Requests
- Interface and field cleanup
- Rewrote Endicia bridge calls
- Updated MBS to v11.1, Troi File to 12.1, Troi Dialog to 9.0
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 188
Released on 7/7/2020
- Fixed issue with thermal printing via IP
- Added Eurpoe First service option
- Fixed issue wth SmartPost in older rating API
- Updated MBS to v10.2 for FMP v19 support
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 187
Released on 5/17/2020
- Added External Get as PDF script
- Added new favorites feature
- Updated UI for new interface elements
- Updated MBS to v10.1 for FMP v19 support
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 186
Released on 12/8/2019
- Added better cleanup of extended characters
- Added pref to send errors to NRG
- Fixed issue with printer speed/density
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 185
Released on 10/21/2019
- Fixed issue with incremental field in packages table
- Added print override field
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 184
Released on 9/3/2019
- Added ship detail report
- Fixed issue with output going to default ports
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 183
Released on 7/31/2019
- Updated with Troi Serial 5.6
- Adjusted dev/dev to have password controls under v18
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 182
Released on 7/5/2019
- Added PDF option for thermal labels
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 181
Released on 6/18/2019
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 180
Released on 5/24/2019
- Added ability to set ref, po and invoice in multi-ship from address book
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 179
Released on 5/16/2019
- Added ability to bulk ship from address book with drop shipper
- Fixed issues in address book bulk shipping
- Adjusted field sizing on reports so track data is not cut off
- Reset default account info in db files
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 175
Released on 4/13/2019
- Fixed XML elements for Brokers
- Fixed dialog in Tracking
- Added Parcel Return to Smartost Indicia
- Updated older FedEx API scripts to call newer functions when performed on server
- Updated with Troi Dialog 7.5.1 and MBS 8.2 (Required for v18)
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 174
Released on 12/9/2018
- Fixed issue with Label Origin in Ship v19
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 173
Released on 11/2/2018
- No longer shows in Web Direct Launch Center
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 172
Released on 10/21/2018
- Fixed issue with One Rate packaging options
- Added preference for Show All Rates
- Added report menu option to show reports (ex: Old EOD)
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 171
Released on 10/15/2018
- Added External Show for Pickup script
- Fixed issue with scale multiplier
- Fixed popup list for LPT port values
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 170
Released on 9/30/2018
- Adjustments to tracking for exceptions and server-side operation
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 169
Released on 9/21/2018
- Updates to get/refresh printer list and LPT output on windows
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 167
Released on 9/12/2018
- Added NRG system status to account tab
- Added support for NodePrint API
- Fixed box # UI count error
- Fixed refs not passing to multi box
- Updated print routines from core
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 166
Released on 9/8/2018
- Letterhead and signature is now supported on Commerial Invoice (v15+)
- Signature is now supported on NAFTA (v21)
- Adjustments for scripts on server
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 165
Released on 8/26/2018
- Upated FedEx One Rate packaging types
- Updated Intl Terms of Sale popup options
- Fixed address encoding on HAL and COD address
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 164
Released on 8/13/2018
- Added better error feedback under rating portal
- Added support for Same Day and Same Day City services
- Added queue processing for server-side optimization
- Added support for billing reconciliation
- Added auto-conversion of SmartPost indicia type based on weight
- Added filtering of extended characters to reduce errors due to bad data
- Rates no longer run if third-party or recipient billed (we can't show these rates)
- Dims are now rounded up during ship
- Fixed conversion of Ground Home Delivery if res
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 163
Released on 5/8/2018
- Initial testing with FileMaker Pro v17
- Updated Troi File to 9.1 and MBS to 8.1 (Required for v17)
- Files no longer show in WebDirect home
- Adjustments for exceptions
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 162
Released on 3/30/2018
- Adjusted daily report to include invoice #
- Updated to plugin install/update logic
- Added scale override fields in ship table
- Fixes for scale capture
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 161
Released on 3/17/2018
- Fixed issue with new shipment from address book
- Adjusted country code conversion
- Plugins only try to install on pro/server/runtime
- Updated Troi Activator to 4.5.1
- Updated Copyright to 2018
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 160
Released on 12/8/2017
- Added pref for plugin update on client/server
- Added logos on labels
- Added advanced print options
- Plugins updated to mbs 7.5, troi dialog 7.0, activator 4.5, mbs 7.4, file 9.0.1, serial 5.0, url 5.0
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 159
Released on 10/20/2017
- Adjustments to v19 for freight - bol, po, nmfc
- Fixed issue with v16 rates
- Fixed issue with COD pay options
- Fixed web direct sharing issue
- Now forces TLS 1.2 connections
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 158
Released on 8/27/2017
- Tracking now returns all track data
- Fixes for delete file dialog
- Enhancements to server-side scripting
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 157
Released on 8/22/2017
- Fixes for FedEx Address Validation API update
- Added Perform Script on Server scripts for Web Direct and FM Go use
- Cleaned up integration demo file
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 156
Released on 8/7/2017
- Fixed FMP v16 selection issue from list view
- Added app icons
- Plugin self-installs updates
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 155
Released on 7/10/2017
- Enhancements for API 2016
- Freight API adjustments
- Updated plugin licensing
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 154
Released on 5/26/2017
- Resolved Ground Home Delivery issue
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 153
Released on 5/17/2017
- Added label type popup
- Added ship conversion
- Added AV for international
- Added Magento, Shopify, BigCommerce and Woo Integrations
- Misc updates
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 152
Released on 2/6/2017
- Added Department reference field
- Updated Copyright
- Certified for latest Web Services
- Misc updates
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 151
Released on 8/30/2016
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 150
Released on 8/15/2016
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 149
Released on 4/13/2016
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 148
Released on 1/25/2016
- Adjustments to freight for hazmat
- Adjustments to Volusion integration
- Fixed tracking issue
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 147
Released on 10/15/2015
- Added in-app driver pickup
- Added FedEx Freight First service
- Adjustments for freight hazardous materials
- Minor bug fixes
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 146
Released on 9/17/2015
- Added support for FedEx One Rate packaging
- Added support for passing of additional international data for customs forms
- Minor bug fixes
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 144
Released on 6/30/2015
- Added archive function
- Freight shipments can now be voided (manually) for re-shipment
- Updates for 64 bit compatibility
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 143
Released on 5/12/2015
- Fully compatible with FileMaker Pro v14
- Distributed as fp7 and fmp12 format with separate plugin installer
- Added dim weight messaging
- Added default drop shipper preference
- Added support for iDim dimensioner
- Updated plugin licensing
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 142
Released on 4/16/2015
- Adjustments for SmartPost
- Minor bug fixes
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 141
Released on 8/13/2014
- Added days to delivery value
- Added support for PayPal, Volusion and Amazon imports
- User scripts are now called in data file
- Minor bug fixes
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 140
Released on 4/2/2014
- Added ability to offset thermal label output
- Adjustment to post-void functions
- Minor bug fixes
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 139
Released on 2/18/2014
- Adjustments for Intl due to Feb 2014 API changes
- Adjustments to pickup request/cancel
- Adjustments to server-side track scripts
- Adjustments for IP printing under OS X 10.9
- Added Troi URL 3.5 and File 7.0 registration
- Minor bug fixes
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 137
Released on 10/28/2013
- Added preferences for Eltron Speed/Darkness
- Adjusted Freight label output/BOL based on # of pieces
- Adjusted column width on manifest output
- Minor bug fixes
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 135
Released on 8/13/2013
- Adjustments for SmartPost rating
- Adjustments for ground/home delivery residential rating
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 134
Released on 6/20/2013
- Minor bug fixes related to AcctVantage integration
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 133
Released on 6/5/2013
- Minor bug fixes related to tracking
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 132
Released on 5/5/2013
- Added AcctVantage import/export
- Misc adjustments
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 131
Released on 4/3/2013
- Add freight items now show on a single BOL
- Adjustments to SmartPost functions
- Internal optimization and changes for 2013 certification
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 130
Released on 3/11/2013
- Added support for Zebra (ZPL) DocTab and label messaging
- Added dim size and declared value to DocTab
- Adjusted GoDaddy import
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 129
Released on 2/17/2013
- Added external script to show record based on ReferenceInfo_InvoicenNumber
- Adjusted return shipment coding, no longer sets future ship date
- Adjusted COD shipping. If Ground, amount is split between boxes with remainder on last box.
- Adjusted freight class conversion for Class 55/60
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 128
Released on 1/18/2013
- Added external script to create a return shipment
- Adjusted coding for gift box messaging
- Adjusted address validation response for suite/apartment not found
- Adjustments to international logic for customs forms and customs value
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 127
Released on 1/9/2013
- Added delivery time column to rates display
- Adjusted address validation for extended characters
- Email and phone now properly get set when selecting a recipient from Address Book
- Fixes for email notification errors
- Provides support for user-installed Troi URL 3.x
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 126
Released on 12/7/2012
- Added support for FedEx First Overnight
- Added support for Zen Cart import
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 125
Released on 11/29/2012
- Added support for FedEx SmartPost
- Added package weight to extended doctab
- External show script can now be passed a list of ID's to show
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 123
Released on 10/23/2012
- Added COD country field to UI
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 122
Released on 10/22/2012
- Added ClearanceBrokerage field
- Added doctab text field for extended doctab
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 121
Released on 10/8/2012
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 119
Released on 10/1/2012
- Adjustment to expiration date coding
- Dispatcher coding added to integration sample file
- Adjustment to State requirement to allow three char value
- Adjusted rates so intl currency is only passed if not empty
- Adjusted ancillary documents printing for PNG support
- Fixed drop shipper popup so phone comes from address book
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 118
Released on 9/18/2012
- Added dispatcher for remote automation
- Added NRG external authentication group
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 117
Released on 9/11/2012
- Added support for FedEx Freight LTL
- Adjustments to demo file
- Added External Validate and delete scripts
- Adjustments for ETD with US origin/dest
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 116
Released on 8/29/2012
- Adjustments to XLS import
- Added logic to covert services on import
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 115
Released on 8/14/2012
- Adjustments to CI printing routines
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 114
Released on 7/18/2012
- Adjustments to CI printing
- Pre-ship validation no longer throws errors for Sat ship dates
- Added support for 2-day AM
- Rating now using v10 API
- Misc fixes
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 113
Released on 7/9/2012
- Added delivery time to rates
- Adjustments for third party/recipient billing info
- Rates no longer run if LWH is missing
- Commodities are no longer passed of Qty/Pcs/Desc is empty
- Adjustments for better intl output on Windows
- Enhancements to AV routines for apartments
- Adjustments for ETD
- Added prefs for intl duties and tax payor
- Misc fixes
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 112
Released on 6/18/2012
- adjustments for return labels - rma now sends properly for barcode
- print laser now previews if open is held down
- track from ship now properly flags records as delivered and hides buttons
- reprint can no longer be called after delivery
- adjusted sender and recipient TIN type. DUNS no longer is valid option
- adjusted encoding and trim for intl commodity description
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 111
Released on 6/11/2012
- added importer fields to intl tab
- adjustments to intl commodity description encoding
- added intl priority and intl economy freight mappings
- added error capture around image export
- fixes for recipient/third party with no account
- added tintype field to importer and broker
- added refresh serial port function
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 110
Released on 6/7/2012
- adjusted commodity portal so it no longer allows record creation
- fixed capturing weight from scale for multi-box
- adjusted text in v2 import data dialog
- adjusted fields for broker tab
- adjusted encoding to use troi functions instead of fmp for v9 compatibility
- added transit days for ground tnt
- added external script for eod functions
- changes to pickup request coding
- account fields are no longer editable
- added menu options
- adjustments to maintenance scripts
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 109
Released on 5/29/2012
- added pickup layout to popup list
- fixed issue with intl express rates (added name element)
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 108
Released on 5/26/2012
- now properly registers troi file 5.0/5.5 (5.5.1 installed)
- now imports pdf forms as files, not images for windows v11 compatibility
- layout tweaks for windows
- adjusted account field width for billing to show 9 char
- no longer refreshes account # when values are present (unless required)
- includes registration for troi file 6.0 (not installed)
- updates to integration sample
- set import from prefs to run as admin
- adjusted window vars to set in register PI routine vs startup
- added error capture pre-record check to stop access errors
- adjusted track from ship to unlock record in order to set status
- adjusted external scripts to hide window on exit
- adjusted all functions that spawn windows to call register before running
- removed surcharge breakout fields from packages and shipment, added surcharges field which is rollup of all values
- tooltip modifier option key shows surcharge breakout value instead of rollup
- added force ZT for eltron
- added support for UPS doctab style (bottom/standard/epl)
- fixed return script - now sets return type correctly. added service popup and removed verbage.
- fixed dupe script - now clears shipdate
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 107
Released on 5/25/2012
- resolved tracking from ship issue
- resolved ground eod close issue
- prep now sets locked mode off
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 106
Released on 5/22/2012
- prep now sets multi-user on
- fixed issue with rating discrepancy between rates/ship
- added rate tooltips on ship response along with rates and package portal
- fixed issue with D&T for intl rates
- adjusted delete function to use delete all packages
- added pref for email enabled
- added pref for print customs forms on ship (always prints from intl page)
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 105
Released on 5/22/2012
- cleanup of rates returned (2 decimal)
- fixed service conversion issue for 2-day
- deleted addl handling field from packages, removed from z_description, added dry ice, alcohol
- fixed weight script, tested add package from scale
- default pickup and payor is set if empty on rate/ship
- sender rates always returned in rates regardless of billing option
- recipient/thirdparty bill-to info no longer gets cleared on selection
- now sets util win sizing in pi prep
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 104
Released on 5/22/2012
- Adjusted data import so unlocks before import
- Origin country code now comes from account, not default
- Moved receiver country default value into general area in prefs (it's not intl)
- Fixed doctab printing with dropship address
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 103
Released on 5/18/2012
- Fixed multi-user script
- Adjust validation to not run on shipped records
- Turn off IWP for all files
- General cleanup of old scripts
- Added Account Alias field so it won't reset upon refreshing account
- Adjusted imports for V 2.0
- Adjusted rates column on rates tab
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 102
Released on 5/17/2012
- Modified "purpose of shipment" to pass correct term on international shipments
- Adjusted custom menus in the application and help sections
- Adjusted coding for international documents printing
- Modified doctab coding
- Miscellaneous layout tweaks
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 101
Released on 05/16/2012
- Modified coding for png images
- Updated pickup to use new web service credentials
- Added additional checks for current plugins installed
- Removed "department field" from origin and destination - no longer supported by FedEx
- Added confirmation dialog on successful registration
- Added additional options text on main shipment detail page
- Adjusted the sharing script
FedEx for FileMaker 2.0 - Build 100
Released on 5/14/2012