Performing Batch Shipment Functions
To perform a batch function on a group of shipments, you will first want to find the batch of records you want to work with. When importing, typically the records that you import are shown in the shipping list, making it easy to perform batch functions against that set alone. Another way is to use the search or the other functions within the shipping list to narrow and broaden the grouping. Once you've done that, you'll find it easy to perform the following functions:
Batch Ship - Clicking on "Batch Ship" will start the ship process for all of the new or voided shipments in your list. After the process is complete and all the labels have printed, you will see the Shipping List refresh and display the "shipped" status for your list of shipments.
If there is an issue with any of the addresses, only the shipment records with complete address information will ship. You will see a dialog error if any of the shipments are invalid or need more information. Simple click "continue" if that happens and the rest of the records will ship. You will then be able to go to the errant shipment records and update the information to properly create the shipping label.
NOTE: From the application menu bar you can also batch "reprint labels" by selecting "Shipments > Batch Ship > Reprint Labels for Entire List".
Batch Track - Clicking on "Batch Track" will start the tracking process for all of the Shipped records in your list. After the process is complete you will see the Shipping List refresh and display an updated status for your list of shipments.
NOTE: From the application menu bar you can also batch track special functions by selecting "Shipments > Batch Track >". They include "Track Just Non-Delivered Packages", "Display Shipments Not Scanned", and "Display Shipments with Exceptions".
Void Entire List - From the application menu bar you can void all shipped shipments on your list that have not been scanned or picked up by UPS by clicking on "Shipments > Void Entire List".
Delete Entire List - From the application menu bar you can delete all voided or new shipments on your list by clicking on "Shipments > Delete Entire List".
Import - The "Import" icon on the menu performs the same import functions as outlined on the main Shipping Layout.