AddressBook»Address Imports

Address Imports

Importing Addresses to Your NRGship Address Book

If you previously used or FedEx PowerShip to manage your shipping address information, NRG allows you to import your address book detail using built in scripts to make it simple.

If you have a file exported from or FedEx PowerShip you can import those files following the steps below. You can also import a file of existing addresses, by selecting "Other" as an import option. Once you have the files available, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on the "Import" Icon and select your file format

Step 2: Locate your file and click "Open"

Step 3: Import Field Mapping and Powership Imports, simply click "Import". If using "Other" file option, follow the instructions to align your data to the address book format.

Step 4: Accept Import Results

Your import results will be shown. You will be able to see your addresses in the list view. Click "OK" to accept the import.