Integration Scripts
The following external scripts are provided within the files to support FileMaker Integration. Below you will find an explanation as to what each script does.
External - Show Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and finds the proper record and brings to the front
External - Ship Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and finds the proper record and performs the Ship script
External - Show ReferenceInfo_InvoiceNumber
This script takes a script parameter (InvoiceNumber) and finds the proper record and brings to the front
External - Get Rates Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and finds the proper record and performs the Rates script
External - Get Rates and Show Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and finds the proper record and performs the Rates script and displays the results
External - Create Return Shipment and Show Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and finds the proper record and converts the record to a return shipment if it has not been shipped. If the record has been shipped, the record is duplicated and converted to a return shipment. After operation the return shipment is displayed. The script response is the Ship_ID of the return record.
External - Track Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and finds the proper record and performs the Track script
External - Track and Show Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and finds the proper record and performs the Track script and shows the result
External - Track and Show Track ID
This script takes a script parameter (Track ID) and finds the proper record and performs the Track script and shows the result
External - Track and Show TrackNumber
This script takes a script parameter (FedEx Tracking Number) and creates a new record and performs the Track script and shows the result
External - Void Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and runs the void script
External - Print Labels Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and runs the print labels script
External - Get Weight Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and runs the get weight script
External - Get labels as PDF for Ship_ID
Outputs the thermal label for the given ship_id to label path in prefs with file name of tracknum.pdf
External - Print Commercial Invoice Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and runs the print commercial invoice script
External - Print NAFTA Form Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and runs the print nafta form script
External - Print Certificate of Origin Ship ID
This script takes a script parameter (Ship_ID) and runs the print certificate of origin script
External - Perform Pickup Request for Pickup_ID
This script takes a script parameter (Pickup_ID) and runs the pickup request script
External - Perform Cancel Request for Pickup_ID
This script takes a script parameter (Pickup_ID) and runs the pickup cancel script