FedEx Account Management
After you create an NRGship Account or if you already have one, you can login to register your FedEx Account. Login using your NRGship Account email and password then click on Login.
Add FedEx Account
Once you login you will see an option to proceed to FedEx Account Registration.
- Complete the information in the fields provided.
- Address provided must include Zip Code on shipping address for your account#
FedEx Accounts Tab
After you add your FedEx Account you will see the associated accounts on the FedEx Account tab, found within the NRGship FedEx Preferences.
NOTE: As of right now, NRG will have to add or modify this information for you. Please send an email to with what information you would like to change.
- The information on this tab is not editable.
- Add New - Select this button if you want to add an additional FedEx Account.
- Refresh Info - Will refresh or pull all FedEx account info from the server.
NOTE: As of right now, NRG will have to add or modify this information for you. Please send an email to with what information you would like to change.
Now you will be able to ship. You can add as many accounts as you'd like and you can set the default account to use with new shipments in the General > Shipping Tab > FedEx Account section. You can review your accounts any time within the FedEx Accounts section in preferences.