Integration»Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting Started

You'll need to add External Datasources and Build Relationships from your FileMaker files to the NRGship files.

Add External Datasources

In order to integrate NRGship with your existing FileMaker database, add the following external data sources.

  1. NRGship UPS Pro - (Type=FileMaker, Details-file=NRGship UPS Pro)
  2. NRGship UPS Pro Data - (Type=FileMaker, Details-file=NRGship UPS Pro Data)

Create Relationships

Next, you are going to create a relationship from your solution to the UPS_Ship table in the NRGship UPS Pro Data file.

  1. Go into Manage Database in your database file and add instances of the UPS_Ship and UPS_Ship_Packages table.
  2. Create a relationship from the primary key in your orders/invoices table to the User_ID field. Enable the option to "Allow creation of records in this table via this relationship".
  3. Create a relationship from the UPS_Ship table to the UPS_Ship_Packages table by joining UPS_Ship::Ship_ID and UPS_Ship_Packages::Ship_ID. Again, enable the option to "Allow creation of records in this table via this relationship".

Now you are ready to begin scripting to create shipment records from your solution.