Server Scripts
The following script can be scheduled via FileMaker Server Admin Console in the NRGShip UPS Pro file to facilitate NRGship functionality via background processing. Server scripts must run using the "dev" account with a password of "dev".
Server - Purge Label Images
This script will find any shipped records > 15 days old with image data. Any resultant label image data will be purged thus reducing the file size of the NRGship FedEx Pro Data file.
Server - Track All Non-Delivered Packages
This script will find any shipped but non-delivered packages and run the track process on them to update status to exception or delivered.
Server - Process Queue
This script will find any records where ship::queue = param passed to the script (SHIP,TRACK,RATE,VOID) and it will run the resultant process on the found set. This allows for scheduled batch processing of records.