Settings»Custom Notifications

Custom Notifications

Custom Notifications

Custom notifications are available for all carriers and supports shipment and void notifications only. The emails are sent through the NRG Ship Connect system utilizing your email server. Multiple email addresses are supported through custom notifications, as long as they are separated by comma's.

In order to send the custom notifications you will need to check the Receiver and/or Sender checkboxes.

By checking the "Send Immediately" checkbox, all of your email notifications will be sent as soon as you click the "Ship" or "Void" button. You can also process the notifications manually by unchecking the "Send Immediately" checkbox and running the Batch Email Notification process.

NOTE: The only way to send cancel or void notifications is to have the "Send Immediately" checkbox checked. They will not send if you run the Batch Email Notifications process.

In order to use custom notifications you need to supply your user and email server information. NRG Ship Connect uses your email server to send the custom notifications.

You can customize your ship and cancel notifications with the various tokens, found on the Tokens tab, and the information you populate on the message tab. Click the Reset link to change your notification format back to the default.

Ship Notification - The ship notification will be sent as soon as you click the "Ship" button or when you run the Batch Email Notifications process.

Cancel Notification - The cancel notifications will be sent as soon as you click the "Void" button if you have the "Send Immediately" checkbox checked.

NOTE: The only way to send cancel or void notifications is to have the "Send Immediately" checkbox checked. They will not send if you run the Batch Email Notifications process.

The information you populate in the Message tab, shows as the Token [message] in your notifications.

The following Tokens can be used to customize your notifications with your shipment data.