

Printmatics Integration

Integration with Printmatics can be setup with NRGship Pro for UPS. To set this up, follow the steps below:

In order to exchange shipping data you will need to allow Printmatics to communicate with NRGship.

Step 1: Contact Printmatics Support to Whitelist your IP for ODBC access and obtain credentials
Printmatics support will ask for your external IP number and can provide your server's hostname, username, password, and database for ODBC config.

Step 2: Setup NRGship Preferences
Once you have the config information you can go to NRGship preferences and adjust the integration settings for Printmatics. Enter values for all fields.

Step 3: Test Configuration
Press the Test button to verify connectivity.

Step 4: Download an Order
From the NRGship screen, enter an order # and press Get Order. The ship-to information will all be populated. Rate and ship in NRG.

Step 5: Check Printmatics
After shipment, open the order in Printmatics and verify that the tracking number has been added.